понедельник, 16 августа 2010 г.

Dream Theater. "Inception" review.

 Every single movie with Leo shows how expanding is his charisma and talent. The best way to show it is "Inception". I've heard that "Inception" is something like "007 meets The Matrix". There's something in it. I'm sure it wasn't just me who wanted to see some cool stealth-action movie on a big screen as Kobb is really awesome with his suppressed semi-automatic. Though, it's not a point of this picture.
He could be a really nice Bond. James Bond.
There's lot from "Matrix" here, but "Matrix" was a clear cyber-punk while it's not everybody loves. "Inception" has much more deep structure. It's really amazing to see how human brain changes the material reality. Even knowing that this reality is just a dream - so what? When we sleep we don't usually realize it's a dream, do we?
Trailer showed us a city, rolling like it was a sandwich from McDonalds and some thought it's what the whole movie gonna look like. Hell no! They were disappointed as the were looking for a summer blockbuster in a wrong place - it wasn't "Prince of Persia" or "Transformers".
Gravity paradoxes are usual in dreams.
All this movie, though, cannot be treated as some kind of art. It's pure chemistry and maths as all the reagents are mixed in strict proportions, and only in the strictly stated time.

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